Caregivers Who Work Outside of the Home
Most working caregivers have little time to relax. They often give up hobbies and social activities to care for their loved one. There are ways to balance the demands of home life and work.
Why Is It Important to Get Help? 
Caregivers work for many reasons. You may work out of need to support your family. You may work for enjoyment or to build a career. No matter why you work, there are ways to lessen your stress.
What Do You Need to Know? 
- Talk with your boss about your caregiving responsibilities. Explain that you want to do a good job at work.
- Ask if the Family and Medical Leave Act applies to your workplace. Some workers may take unpaid leave to care for loved ones. The Resources section has more information on the Family and Medical Leave Act.
- Ask if your employer offers insurance benefits and other benefits to help you care for your loved one.
- Talk to your boss about flexible work schedules. Tasks in some jobs can be done from home. Consider working fewer hours. Think about sharing a job with another employee.
How Can You Find Help?
- Ask your employer or local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) about the National Family Caregiver Support Program's benefits and services in your state. The Resources section has contact information.
- As a Veteran, your loved one may be eligible for in-home and community care services. Talk with a social worker at your local VA.
- Use respite care and adult day services. Learn more about getting help from community services and respite care.
Helpful Tips
Make time for yourself – You will be a better caregiver if you do things you enjoy.
Set priorities – Decide what things are most important. Say "no" to those of less importance.
Accept that you cannot do everything – Do not feel guilty about working. Get help from others. Make a schedule for family, friends and community helpers.
Have a "back up" plan – Be prepared for other persons to provide care in emergencies.
Find ways to make your life easier – Hire someone to do chores if you can afford it. Use organizing tools. A dry erase calendar can help track tasks and care.
- Be open with your boss. Ask about insurance benefits, leave time and flexible work hours.
- Find ways to make your life easier. Ask for help from family and friends. Get services from volunteer and community agencies.
- Take care of yourself. Find time to relax and enjoy your family and friends.
Other Resources 
Additional credible resources on this topic can be found here. Website pages may change or update, therefore if a link does not work, you may also try to type the information into your internet search bar. This Resource List will be updated frequently.
*Link Disclaimer: Links to information and Web sites outside of the Department of Veterans Affairs do not indicate an endorsement of products or services offered by the sites. In addition, these sites may have privacy and security policies that are inconsistent with those of VA. |
These materials were created for the project:
Web-Based Informational Materials for Caregivers of Veterans Post-Stroke
Project Number SDP 06-327 funded by VA HSR&D Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI)